…Why one species is given a black mark beside it and another is elevated to a position of reverence.

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People & Wolves on the Air

I enjoyed reading John Anderson’s perspective concerning his recent opinion editorial where he makes a strong case for the wolf; Perhaps it is time for us to ask why one species is given a black mark beside it and another is elevated to a position of reverence. I give you the wolf and the bald eagle.”

Community Columnist for The Chippewa Herold

John Andersen: The difference between eagles and wolves Mar 3, 2018

Over the past few weeks I read some great news in several newspapers, including this one. With great fanfare it has come to pass that the bald eagle has returned from the brink of extinction. Through the use of science and facts, DDT was banned as a pesticide in 1972. The result today is that there are 1,600 occupied eagle nests in virtually every part of the state.

This is outstanding news. Using simple math, that means…

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2 responses to “…Why one species is given a black mark beside it and another is elevated to a position of reverence.”

  1. Morgana Avatar

    There shouldn’t be any difference all are precious


    1. Dr. Georgie, MS,ND Avatar

      The ANSWER is obvious and been REALITY for hundred year!!!!. IT CATTLE AND BEEF !!!!!!, Bald eagles do not kill cattle for food, Wolves do, and they murdered for the cattlemen profit !!!! SO ME in the pass, and all Americans are responsible for the Mass murdered of grey wolves yesterday and today !!!!. I gave up beef 20 years ago again after see calves going to slaughter in cattle cart on highway. Proud again vegan of 35 years !!!! BOYCOTT BEEF.


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